miercuri, 27 iunie 2007

Curriculum Vitae

Born on July 5th, 1955, in Stiubieni, Botosani County.
Married, father of 2.
Associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Letters, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi
Born on July 5th, 1955, in Stiubieni, Botosani County.
Married, father of 2.
Associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Letters, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi
1996 – Scholarship of the Province of Liguria, Genoa, Italy for the study of the Italian Language and Culture
2002 - Honorary Doctorate of Literature, awarded by World Academy of Arts and Culture, California, USA
2005 – the Romanian Minister of Culture book award for publishing the poetry book When a woman leaves
2006 - the National Romanian Authority for Scientific Research book award for publishing the second edition of the volume Camil Petrescu as a Journalist
1979 - 1983 - editor-in-chief at “ Dialog” magazine, ‘Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi
1984 - 1990 - high - school teacher for physics
1990 - editor at “Timpul” (Times) magazine
1990 - 1992 - editor at the publishing house of the Al.I. Cuza University , Iasi
1991 - 1999 - member of the editorial staff of “Contemporanul” (The Contemporaneous), the magazine of the Romanian Minister of Culture, Bucharest;
1992 - 1997 - manager of the cultural department of the“Monitorul” daily newspaper
1998-2000 - cultural talk-show at “Nord-Est” radio station, Iasi
1996 – 2005 – lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of ‘Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi
2001-2006 – (guest) lecturer at the Faculty of Letters and Theology, Dept. of Journalism and Communication Sciences, „Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati
2005-to present – associate professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of ‘Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi

2004 - to present: evaluating expert of the Romanian National University Research Council (CNCSIS) for the Commission of Social Sciences, Humanities and Economics2007 – coordinator (principal investigator) of the FP7 ERC Starting Grant entitled [COMSCIE] COMMUNICATING SCIENCES. MEDIA AND THE POPULARIZATION OF SCIENCES IN POSTTRANSITIONAL ROMANIA, submitted to the European Research Council, Ref. No. 210817 (awaiting for approval)
2007 – to present: evaluating expert of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS)


A. BOOKS about Journalism:
1. Mass Media Today [Mass media, astazi], European Institute publishing house, Iasi, 2002
2. Introduction to the Study and the History of Mass Media System [Introducere in studiul si istoria sistemului mass media], “Al.I.Cuza” University publishing house, Iasi, 2002
3. Journalistic text [Textul jurnalistic], “Al.I.Cuza” University publishing house, Iasi, 2002
4. Types and species of the journalistic text [Genuri si specii ale textului jurnalistic], “Dunarea de Jos” University publishing house, Galati, 2003
5. Techniques of collecting information [Tehnici de colectare a informatiei], “Dunarea de Jos” University publishing house, Galati, 2004, ISBN 973-627-133-1
6. Communication and Advertising [Comunicare si publicitate], Tritonic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005, ISBN 973-733-025-0
7. Camil Petrescu as a Journalist [Jurnalistul Camil Petrescu], European Institute publishing house, Iasi, 2005, ISBN 973-611-354-X (second edition in 2006)
8. Top Note Dissertations – Journalism – 2006 [De Nota 10. Licenta Jurnalism 2006] (coordinator), PIM publishing house, Iasi, ISBN 973-71641-6-4

B. Other books:
1. Eucharistic Conversations (dialogues with Petre Ţuţea, Neagu Djuvara, Sorin Dumitrescu and Andrei Pleşu), [Convorbiri euharistice] European Institute publishing house, Iaşi, 1992 (distinguished with the prize for journalism of the “Cronica” magazine)
2. Dialogues with Father Galeriu – From Genesis to Apocalypse [Cu Parintele Galeriu intre Geneza si Apocalipsa], Harisma publishing house, Bucharest, 2002, ISBN 973-8482-01-1
3. From Iliescu to Basescu. And return (dialogue with Liviu Antonesei) [De la Iliescu la Basescu. Si retur (dialog cu Liviu Antonesei)], standart publishing house, Iaşi. 2006, ISBN 973-87511-6-0

C. Poetry Books:
1. Utopia of Possession. Desperate Transcriptions [Utopia posesiunii. Transcrieri disperate], in Romanian, Junimea publishing house, Iaşi, 1990
2. No Way Back [Fără întoarcere], in Romanian, European Institute publishing house, Iaşi, 1992 (awarded the „Poesis” magazine’ prize in 1992)
3. Poesis. 11 Lyric Miniatures [Poesis. Elf lyrische Miniaturen], bilingual edition Romanian-German, Dionysos Verlag, Kastellaun, Germany, 1993 (translated by Simone Reicherts-Schenk and Christian W. Schenk); re-published in 1996
4. Attempt of confession [Tentativă de spovedanie], in Romanian, DAB publishing house, Iaşi, 1994 (awarded the prize of the Writers’ Union, Iasi branch)
5. Poems [Poèmes], in French, La Maison Internationale de Poésie, Saint-Malo, France, 1995
6. What Do I Expect [Ce mai aştept], in Romanian, Helicon publishing house, Timişoara, 1996; re-published in 1997
7. My Death – My Life [Moartea mea – viaţa mea], in Romanian, Apollonia publishing house, Iaşi, 1997
8. Nobody Understands Anybody [Niemand versteht niemanden. Personne ne comprend personne. Nimeni nu înţelege pe nimeni], tri-lingual edition, in German, French and Romanian, Polirom publishing house, Iaşi, 1998 (translators: Simone Reicherts, Gabriela Linde and Christian W. Schenk for German, Doina Mihaela Sava and Marie Thérèse Sart for French)
9. Your destiny/ Ce ti-e scris, bilingual volume, Romanian-English, European Institute publishing house, Iaşi, 1998 (translators: Laura Ioana Cuţitaru, Eugenia Ionescu, Eileen McFarren)
10. Forgive me [Perdoname], bilingual edition Romanian-Spanish, Moldova publishing house,, Iaşi, 1999 (translated by Dana Diaconu and Rafael Pisot; with a Preface written by acad. Alexandru Zub)
11. When a woman comes towards you [Când o femeie vine către tine], in Romanian, Fides publishing house, Iaşi, 2001
12. For ever for never, in English, Fides publishing house, Iaşi, 2001 (translated by Ştefan Colibaba, Laura Ioana Cuţitaru Leon, Eileen McFarren and Simona Chiper)
13. When a woman leaves [Cand o femeie pleaca], in Romanian, Axa publishing House, Botosani, 2005 (financed by the Romanian Minister of Culture)
14. Wall of Silence [El Muro del Silencio/ Zidul tacerii], anthology of Romanian Contemporary Poetry, bilingual edition Spanish-Romanian, Huerga Fierro editors, Spain, 2007 (10 Romanian poets: Liviu Antonesei, Emil Brumaru, Mircea Cartarescu, Train T. Cosovei, Bogdan Ghiu, Florin Iaru, Alexandru Musina, Dorin Popa, Matei Visniec, Calin Vlasie), ISBN 978-84-8374-633-2

D. Recent Articles:
„European cultural markers in Camil Petrescu’s journalistic texts”, in Cultural Mentalities and Apertures, vol.II, „Dunarea de Jos” University publishing house, Galaţi, 2006, ISBN 973-627317-2
„Phases of the evolution of Romanian press”, in Tribuna, Cluj, nr. 82-83/2006

- numerous socio-political articles in the newspapers “Monitorul” and “Cotidianul”, in the ”Contemporanul” magazine etc.
- cultural reviews (drama, books, art exhibitions and opera performances) and interviews in “Contemporanul” (Bucharest), “Romania literara” (Bucharest) and others

Conferences’ papers and participations:

a. professionally:
- in Romania:
Ø 2000 – panelist at the symposium “10 Years of Journalism Training in Central & Eastern Europe”, Bucharest
Ø Nov. 2005 – National Symposium with international paticipation „Romanian Press – Past, Present and Perspectives”, Cluj-Napoca, with the paper „Phases of the evolution of Romanian press”;
Ø May 2006 – International Colloquium „Circulation of Cultural Models into the Euroregions”, Galaţi, with a paper about the “European cultural markers in Camil Petrescu’s journalistic texts”
Ø June 2006 – the scientific communications “European Values, Ideals and Directions in Communication”, organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of Bucharest, with the paper “Advertising and Globalization: The Adjustment of the Advertising Discourse to the Cultural Formulas of Globalization”
Ø March 2007 - Work-shop (co-organizer): Nano-sciences and Nano-technologies. European trends. Conference with the title: “Scientific Journalism – a necessity for the Romanian media, a direction in post-graduate studies, a possible career”?, « Al.I.Cuza » University, Iasi
- outside:
Ø September 1996, Victoria University, British-Colombia, Canada: „Civic Culture in Post-Communist Romania”, during the XXIst Congress of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences;
Ø August 1998, Rochester University, New York, USA: presented a paper about “The Influence of American Media on the Romanian Media System”, during the XXIIIrd Congress of the American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Ø March 2002, London, UK: “Do Mass Media Want a Better World Indeed?”, IFLAC Conference;
Ø April 2002, Valencia, Spain: presented the paper “Mass Media Effects and Globalization”, during the Valdigna Forum for the Mediterranean, organized by UNESCO, EU and the administration of the region of Valencia, within the section Los Medios de Comunicación y la Fractura Digital en el Mediterráneo;
Ø Seoul, Corea, Sept. 2004: „Mediatization of the Literature in the Era of Globalization”, during the congress organized by the World Academy of Arts and Culture, published in the literary magazine „Moon Light of Corea” (April 2005);
Ø August 2005, Los Angeles, California, USA – participation at the Vth Conference IFLAC (International Forum for Literature, Arts and Culture);
Ø February 2007, Volda, Volda University College, Norway – invited to the International Day of the University

b. poetically:
- invited, since 1995, to poetry festivals in Portugal, France, Italy, Mexico, Korea, Greece, Taiwan, Chile, Cube, Israel, Slovakia, Australia;
2002, Valdigna Mediterranean Forum, Valencia, Spain
2005, International Poetry Festival of Medellin, Colombia
2005, Vice-President of the XXVth World Congress of Poets, Los Angeles, California, USA; President and organizer of the XXIInd World Congress of Poets, held in IASI, ROMANIA, 2002

1995, 1st Prize in the Literary Contest Jean Monet (Italy)
1996, 2nd Prize in Grand Prix International, Marseille (France)
1996, Diploma of Honor in the Literary Contest La Plume d’or (France)
1996, The Rimbaud Prize in the contest Jeux Floraux d’Aquitanie (France)
1996, June, Diploma of Honor in the contest Muses d’Or (France)
1997, Great Prize of the Jury for the collection “Nulle part” (“Nowhere”), in the contest Amelie Murat, Clermont-Ferand (France)
1998, Prize of Honor in the contest organized on the occasion of the World Congress of Poets, Bratislava, Slovakia, in which 200 poets participated
1999, Great Prize of the Poetry Contest organized by IFLAC, Haifa (Israel)
2001, Golden Crown Prize at World Congress of Poets for Poetry Research and Recitation, Iasi, Romania
2002, World Hangchon Culture Prize, awarded by the Hangchon Culture Association of Korea

129 de comentarii:

Lavinnia T. spunea...

Azi am accesat blogul dvs,pentru a ma interesa de cursul dedicat studentilor anului I,insa atentia mi-a fost captata de CV-ul prezentat in josul pg,vast si f interesant.prin intermediul lui,descopar un om activ,interesat de tot ce e nou.Un profesor ce a demonstrat abilitate in toate domeniile legate de Mass-Media.Am ramas uimita sa vad cate activitati aveti atasate acestui Cv.E clar ca am multe de invatat de la dvs!Tin sa va multumesc pentru publicarea lucrarii"Mass-Media Astazi",un inceput perfect pentru studentii de anul I de la jurnalism.O carte cu un limbaj accesibil,schematizata foarte bine,structurata perfect si plina de informatii captivante si mai ales necesare "boboceilor de la uiac"!btw,felicitari pt blog.i like it!cheers ;)

Lavinia Tranau
Oras Natal:Botosani
Liceu Absolvit:Colegiul Tehnic Gh.Asachi
Profil:Stiinte Sociale

Tamy spunea...

Un blog din punctul meu de vedere foarte complet!Poze cu studentii, ,,prietenii'' asa cum spune domnul profesor,poze din lume,de la evenimente importante,o carte..cea cu care isi incepe anul I Departamentul de Jurnalism si la care sigur nu o sa se opreasca pentru ca aceasta nu face decat sa atraga atentia..si apoi vine alta si alta..semnate Dorin Popa!Si majoritatea dintre acestea mentionate in impresionantul CV cu multitudinea de activitati..Felicitari pentru blog!Cu respect,Tamara Proca!

Anonim spunea...

Intr-adevar, un blog cu adevarat complet.
Tin sa il felicit pe aceasta cale pe domnul profesor Dorin Popa pentru sprijinul pe care ni l-a oferit in cei doi ani petrecuti la Departamentul de Jurnalism, pentru interactivitate, ca mijloc irefutabil de implementare a sistemului mass-media in sfera noastra de interes, pentru o excelenta optimizare a blogului si bineinteles pentru "Comunicare si publicitate". O carte pe care v-o recomand cu multa caldura. O carte despre publicitatea culturala ca act obligatoriu si necesar, cu insemne clare, constiente si obiective ale publicitarului, altceva decat ieftinele empirisme BrandBuilders.
O carte pe care am recomandat-o si la CSRP .

Cu deosebita consideratie,
Vlad (fostul si actualul dumneavoastra student)

Anonim spunea...

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